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Nicklas on All Things #AI


Source: Nicklas Bergman
View Nicklas Bergman’s CogWorld Profile

Nicklas is a proud founder, curious funder, applied futurist. Epic failures and a couple of home runs. Deep tech angel + EIC Fund IC. Technology interpreter and rabbit hole explorer. Tech bubble collector. Can’t wait to go skiing.


It’s been a crazy couple of weeks in AI, to say the least. I’m not here to speculate on who’s actually in charge where, and who made the best moves in the industry, who’s wearing the Emperor’s New Clothes, or who’s up for a bumpy ride ahead. People are spending too much time on this as it is.

Suddenly, everyone’s an AI expert, investor, thought leader, and/or power user. All LinkedIn experts offer ChatGPT advice. All VCs are AI investors, all keynote speakers are AI experts, and all large consultancy firms are sharing AI strategy reports like there’s no tomorrow.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s lots of really amazing and exciting stuff happening in AI right now, but there’s definitely a bubble inflating as we speak. We will see fortunes being made (and lost), politicians crying “wolf” (and then losing interest), and Big Tech cherry-picking people and companies when the dust settles.

At this stage, it’s absolutely necessary to keep your eyes on the ball: Generative AI is two things at the same time. On the one hand, it’s, at best, a decent intern or junior associate. It’s hallucinating, bad at math, biased, energy-consuming, and not scaleable to become sentient. On the other hand, it increases productivity when used correctly, is a great way to jumpstart your creativity, and will be especially useful when trained on proprietary, specific data sets.

So, how do you make sense of this AI craze? Well, don’t panic, be curious! Find embryos of relevant use cases within your organization and allow people to experiment. Generative AI is a natural continuation of digitization but only one building block in our AI-powered future. It’s a great way to get started and stay ahead. You must understand what’s happening on this technological frontier, assess the implications, see the opportunities for your industry and clients, and adapt to this new reality.

The risk of waiting is often understated. Don’t fear the new; fear stagnation. Reach into the unknown and embrace what’s new. Now is the time to plan for the long term...

It’s clear that any company or individual who, at this stage, decides to go down the AI rabbit hole will be able to build significant leverage, no matter your title, organization, or industry.

After this rant, I give you the Techstorm AI Forecast, December 2023 edition. Let's cut through the hype together and focus on what really matters in AI, today and tomorrow. Comment, complain, share, like, and/or tag people who need a wake-up call. 😴 😳 😅

PS. No bots were harmed when creating this list! 🤖 Prompts were used as stunt doubles…

(Check out my Substack for previous Techstorm Forecasts:
#AI #generativeai #VC #bigtech #futurism


View Nicklas Bergman’s CogWorld Profile.

Nicklas is a proud founder, curious funder, applied futurist. Epic failures and a couple of home runs. Deep tech angel + EIC Fund IC. Technology interpreter and rabbit hole explorer. Tech bubble collector. Can’t wait to go skiing.