Craig Smith

Think Tank

Artificial Intelligence

Founder of Eye on A.I.




CogWorld think tank members include some of today’s greatest minds in AI and future proofing.

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Craig Smith is an award-winning correspondent for The New York Times. He was previously a correspondent for The Wall Street Journal. Mr. Smith has built several media products, including the Chinese-language platforms for The New York Times.

He rejoined The New York Times in late 2011 as China managing director, founding and running the New York Times' first foreign language site, In late 2016 he returned to the U.S. as a writer at large for the Times, focused on Canadian stories.

Craig retired from the Times in 2018 and now writes for the Times and other publications about artificial intelligence. He is a special Government employee for the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence and is the host of the podcast Eye on AI, which is rated number 2 among AI-related podcasts by Feedspot.

He still writes occasionally for The New York Times and other publications, but spends more time on outside projects, including Eye on A.I., an artificial intelligence-focused podcast and newsletter; the National Security Commission on AI; and ExcaliburPro, a financial technology tool for visualizing correlations between instrument pairs.