Jayshree Pandya

Think Tank

Future, Science, Security, Technology, and Artificial Intelligence

Founder of Risk Group and Author Of 4 Books & 100+ publications




CogWorld think tank members include some of today’s greatest minds in AI and future proofing.

Code 7893


Management Consulting, Business Consulting, Research, Executive Coaching, and Strategic Planning.

Jayshree Pandya (née Bhatt), Ph.D., currently serves as the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Risk Group LLC. In addition, she serves in the C-Suite of leading emerging technology startups, actively applying her scientific background to designing futuristic systems.

She is an award-winning scientist, a scholar, a visionary leader, and a dedicated futurist who provides strategic leadership to advance multidomain research initiatives applying advanced technological solution platforms. Her passion for solving complex problems using science and technology began during her childhood and continues.

While doing her doctorate, she developed a Hydrogen Production system using Halobacterium halobium. She also developed a desalination process and discovered anticancer drugs. The trends continue as she gets actively involved in developing numerous technological solutions to existing and emerging risks. She is currently working on many initiatives that span from advanced artificial intelligence, consciousness, quantum, cybersecurity, and more.

Her passion and dedication to protecting the collective future have also taken her on a journey to understand the universe's language. In addition, her quest for a security algorithm drives her involvement in a wide range of research to understand the core mechanisms by which the cosmos operates and where existential risks emerge for the human species.

Guided by societal necessities, her research across many domains has contributed to more than 100 publications, including four books. In addition, she has presented many keynotes and invited lectures worldwide.