Manoj Saxena

Think Tank

Trusted AI, Responsible AI, AI Ethics, and Web3

Chairman of CognitiveScale and Responsible AI Institute, Investor and Educator




CogWorld think tank members include some of today’s greatest minds in AI and future proofing.

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Manoj Saxena likes building things, going fast, and helping brilliant people build great companies. He also likes making markets around the responsible and ethical pairing of human+machine intelligence. He is passionate about racing cars and about inspiring our youth to pursue STEAM careers.

Currently, Manoj is Chairman of CognitiveScale and a venture capitalist focused on Cognitive Computing and Machine Intelligence market. Founder AI Global non-profit. Co-founder and Board Member, Bridgeweave and the Saxena Family Foundation.

Recently served as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, San Antonio, and retired after six years.

Led IBM Watson Software Division as its first General Manager (2011-14) and helped with the formation of Watson Business Group in January 2014 with a $1B investment from IBM. Left IBM to create a successful AI VC fund in 2014 which later attracted investments from IBM and USAA.

Former CEO and founder of two successful venture-funded software start-ups which were acquired by IBM (2006) and by CommerceOne (2001).

Past Boards: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, London Stock Exchange, SparkCognition, United Way, LifeWorks, Any Baby Can, Austin Tech Council.

Holder of 34 software patents in AI/Web Services.