Ron Schmelzer

Think Tank

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data, Automation, and Market Intelligence

Principal Analyst at Cognilytica, Writes for Forbes & TechTarget, AI Today Host, ATARC AI Chair, Parallel Entrepreneur, Founder ChannelWave, ZapThink, TechBreakfast, and more




CogWorld think tank members include some of today’s greatest minds in AI and future proofing.

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Ron is managing partner and principal analyst at the Artificial Intelligence-focused research and advisory firm Cognilytica, and regular contributor to Forbes, TechTarget, and Cognitive World. He is a sought out expert on AI, Machine Learning, cognitive technology, entrepreneurship, startups, and related areas. Ron is a Parallel Entrepreneur, having started and sold a number of successful companies. The companies Ron has started and run have collectively employed hundreds of people, raised over $60M in Venture funding and exits in the millions.

Ron is founder and chief organizer of TechBreakfast - the largest monthly morning tech meetup in the nation with over 50,000 members at locations across the world.

He was founder and CEO at Bizelo, a SaaS company focused on small business apps. He is also a SXSW Interactive Judge. Prior to Bizelo, Ron founded and ran ZapThink, an industry analyst firm focused on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Cloud Computing, Web Services, XML, & Enterprise Architecture, which was acquired by Dovel Technologies in August 2011.

Founder and CTO of ChannelWave, an enterprise software company which raised $60M+ in VC funding and subsequently acquired by Click Commerce, a publicly traded company. Ron founded and was CEO of VirtuMall and VirtuFlex from 1994-1998, and hired the CEO before it merged with ChannelWave.

Ron is a well-known expert in IT, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), XML, Web Services, and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), startups, and entrepreneurship. Ron is an investor in TechStars, where he has been involved since 2009. In addition, he is a judge of SXSW Interactive Awards.

Ron is the lead author of XML And Web Services Unleashed (SAMS 2002) and co-author of Service-Orient or Be Doomed (Wiley 2006) with Jason Bloomberg. Ron received a B.S. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and MBA from Johns Hopkins University.