Posts in Beth Rudden
What the Field of Archaeology Can Teach Us About Responsible AI

“Forget everything you think you know about the ancient Minoan culture,” the historian said to me at the palace gates. The story she told me on that hot, dusty day in July has since been pressing on me, like a constant drumbeat -- a reminder of why our work in Responsible AI is so so unrestricted in importance by just the demands of the here and now. Let us take you on a journey so that you can understand the very direct correlation between what archaeology can teach us about our high tech field.

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Parenting 101: How to train an AI System to DO GOOD

In this article, we propose to put those pattern recognizing neo-cortexes to work and make them discover the pattern to get the reward. When considering the development of an AI that is meant to mine insights on human behaviors (and then possibly make decisions based on those insights), there is one really critical ‘Parenting 101’ lesson to consider. Incentivize the behaviors you want to see more of in three steps: Replicate what works, MEASURE and REPEAT.

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