Posts tagged Robotics
The Future of Self-Driving Cars and Robotaxis

MIT professor emeritus Rodney Brooks has been posting an annual Predictions Scorecard  in since January 1, 2018, where he predicts future milestones in three technology areas: AI and robotics, self driving cars, and human space travel. He also reviews the actual progress in each of these areas to see how his past predictions have held up. On January 1 he posted his 2025 Predictions Scorecard.

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Artificial Intelligence: Realistic Expectations vs. Irrational Exuberance

The 2024 MIT Sloan CIO Symposium took place on Tuesday, May 14 at the Royal Sonesta, a hotel overlooking the Charles River a short walk from the MIT campus in Cambridge, MA. Not surprisingly, AI was the dominant theme in this year’s Symposium, with a number of keynotes and panels on the topic. In addition, a pre-event program was added on the day before the Symposium, which included a number of more informal roundtable discussions on various aspects of AI, such as legal risks in AI deployment, AI as a driver for productivity, and human’s role in AI-augmented workplaces.

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