2018 Prediction: Digital Innovation

In the past few years we witnessed a pervasive emphasis on Digital Transformation (DX). Digitization continued to be a top priority. Each year there are predictions on various digital technologies that will impact DX. Examples for 2018 include IoT Predictions, top predictions on DX itself, and Customer Experience predictions – to name a few.

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The Changing Data Science And Data Engineering Tooling Environment

As AI continues to become a focus for an increasing number of enterprises, these organizations are realizing how important it is to have the right people and skills in place. In particular, there has recently been a significant increase in demand for data scientists in organizations as AI, various applications of machine learning (ML), non-ML predictive analytics, and other so-called “big data” approaches continue to gain traction in the enterprise. In fact, the significant demand for data scientists has led to the talent crunch that we’re seeing across many enterprises and organizations. However, given that 80% of an AI project has to do with data preparation and data engineering activities, perhaps organizations should really be searching for data engineers even more than data scientists?

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Defining The Coming Quantum Revolution 

The quantum revolution is starting to gain traction as more people are realizing the potential technological capabilities of this less understood but powerful science. Quantum technology is still in the early phases of development, but its incredible capabilities could enhance our digital future in unprecedented and almost unpredictable ways. Quantum computing is at the tip of the spear in this technological wave and could exponentially heighten our computing power while strengthening other developing technologies such as Artificial Intelligence. There are seemingly endless applications for quantum technologies in all aspects of society, but the most influential could be in the field of homeland security.

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The End of Agile

I knew the end of Agile was coming when we started using hockey sticks. Every morning, at precisely eight o'clock, the team of developers and architects would stand around a room paneled in whiteboards and would begin passing around a toy hockey stick.

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The Troubling Trajectory Of Technological Singularity

As humanity stands on the brink of a technology triggered information revolution, the scale, scope and complexity of the impact of intelligence evolution in machines is unlike anything humankind has experienced before. As a result, the speed at which the ideas, innovations and inventions are emerging on the back of artificial intelligence has no historical precedent and is fundamentally disrupting everything in the human ecosystem.

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Will A.I. Put Lawyers Out Of Business?

What is the law but a series of algorithms? Codified instructions proscribing dos and don’ts—ifs and thens. Sounds a lot like computer programming, right? The legal system, on the other hand, is not as straightforward as coding. Just consider the complicated state of justice today, whether it be problems stemming from backlogged courts, overburdened public defenders, and swathes of defendants disproportionately accused of crimes.

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The Weaponization Of Artificial Intelligence

Technological development has become a rat race. In the competition to lead the emerging technology race and the futuristic warfare battleground, artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming the center of the global power play. As seen across many nations, the development in autonomous weapons system (AWS) is progressing rapidly, and this increase in the weaponization of artificial intelligence seems to have become a highly destabilizing development. It brings complex security challenges for not only each nation’s decision makers but also for the future of humanity.

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